Monterey Bay Regional Economic Development Organizations
Achieving sustainable economic development is a team sport. Here in the Monterey Bay region there are a number of active organizations working to realize sustainable economic development. Each has its particular origins and reason for being, though most have a common focus on our core strengths in agriculture, education, military, recreation, tourism and/or information technology. The following is a short list of those organizations:
Institute for Innovation and Economic Development
The Institute for Innovation and Economic Development at California State University Monterey Bay provides a venue for innovative ideas, support for commercial transfer of research and technology, and a support network and training through a partnership with the Monterey County Business Council. The Institute also educates and builds the knowledge and capacity of economic development professionals, and enhances the well-being of the region by facilitating the development of long-term economic development strategies.
Monterey County Economic Development Department
The mission of the Economic Development Department is to plan, coordinate, and facilitate the County’s efforts to attract, retain and grow businesses and jobs in the County. The Department includes the Office of Redevelopment and Housing, the Workforce Investment Board and the Office of Economic Development. The Department is supported by the Monterey County Economic Development Committee, formed by the Board of Supervisors.
Monterey County Economic Development Committee
The primary purpose of the Economic Development Committee is to advise the Board of Supervisors on appropriate economic development policies, programs, and activities to ensure a Countywide perspective in support of a diversified economy, higher paying jobs and an expanded revenue base for local government services, while preserving and protecting the County’s agricultural, tourism, and education economic base in collaboration with cities.
Monterey Bay Economic Partnership
The Monterey Bay Economic Partnership is a nonprofit membership organization consisting of public, private and civic entities located throughout the counties of Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz. Our mission is to create a thriving region with quality jobs, excellent education, and a high quality of life for all residents, while preserving the natural beauty and healthy lifestyle we all share.
Monterey County Business Council
We are an alliance of business executives and professionals providing collaborative leadership to help people from business, government, education, and the community work together on countywide issues reflecting our organization’s strong commitment to the environment, economic vitality, and quality of life.